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B.Sc. Entrance Exam Zoology MCQs

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Disclaimer: We hope that prospective students can use this page for practice entrance examinations to get admission into bachelor of science. Though the MCQs (multuiple choice questions) of zoology are brought here from the sample entrance exam of Tribhuvan university, the actual practice can help the aspirant student in any part of the globe.

Zoology MCQs for Bachelor of Science

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  1. The father of zoology is
    • Robert Hooke
    • Aristotle
    • Linnaeus
    • Theophrastus

    Correct Answer: Aristotle

    Explanation: Aristotle made significant contributions to the study of animal life through systematic observations and classifications. So, Aristotle is considered as the father of zoology.

    Aristotle is also considered as father of biology.

  2. The study of insects is called
    • Entomology
    • Parasitology
    • Mycology
    • Taxonomy

    Correct Answer: Entomology

    Explanation: Entomology is the branch of zoology focused on the study of insects, including their behavior, ecology, and classification.

  3. Which group has radially symmetrical body?
    • Protozoa
    • Echinodermata
    • Annelida
    • Mollusca

    Correct Answer: Echinodermata

    Explanation: Echinoderms such as starfish and sea urchins, have radially symmetrical bodies. Their body parts are arranged around a central axis.

  4. Haemocoel is present in
    • Arthropoda
    • Annelida
    • Fish
    • Amphibia

    Correct Answer: Arthropoda

    Explanation: Arthropods, like insects and spiders, possess a hemocoel, a fluid-filled body cavity that functions as a part of their circulatory system.

  5. Water vascular system is present in
    • Porifera
    • Coelenterata
    • Echinodermata
    • Arthropoda

    Correct Answer: Echinodermata

    Explanation: Arthropods, like insects and spiders, possess a hemocoel, a fluid-filled body cavity that functions as a part of their circulatory system.

  6. Operculum is used to cover
    • Eye
    • Gill
    • Mouth
    • Ear

    Correct Answer: Gill

    Explanation: The operculum is a bony plate that covers and protects the gills in fish, allowing them to breathe efficiently underwater.

  7. Which one of the following is an insect?
    • Spider
    • Scorpion
    • Prawn
    • Grasshopper

    Correct Answer: Grasshopper

    Explanation: Grasshoppers fall under the category of insects. They have arachnids, a three part body and six legs.

  8. Which one is a true fish?
    • Cuttlefish
    • Starfish
    • Dogfish
    • Silverfish

    Correct Answer: Dogfish

    Explanation: The dogfish is a true fish, belonging to the class Chondrichthyes, characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton.

  9. Which nucleus has role in conjugation in Paramecium?
    • meganucleus
    • micronucleus
    • macronucleus
    • cellular nucleus

    Correct Answer: micronucleus

    Explanation: In Paramecium, the micronucleus is responsible for genetic exchange during conjugation, which is essential for sexual reproduction.

  10. Which Segment of the earthworm has setae present in?
    • first
    • last
    • tenth
    • clitellar

    Correct Answer: tenth

    Explanation: In earthworms, setae are present on each segment except the first and last, with the 10th segment having a notable presence.

  11. In earthworms, male genital aperture is situated on
    • 14th segment
    • 10th segment
    • 18th segment
    • 17th segment

    Correct Answer: 18th segment

    Explanation: The male genital aperture of earthworms is located on the 18th segment, through which sperm is transferred during reproduction.

  12. The function of spermatheca in earthworm is to
    • store ova
    • store sperms
    • store enzyme
    • store zygote

    Correct Answer: store sperms

    Explanation: Spermatheca in earthworms store sperms received from another worm during copulation, enabling fertilization of eggs later.

  13. The causative agent of Tuberculosis is
    • Leishmania
    • Salmonella
    • Mycobacterium
    • Taenia

    Correct Answer: Mycobacterium

    Explanation: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterium responsible for causing tuberculosis.

  14. Which of the following is a non-communicable disease?
    • TB
    • Kala-azar
    • AIDS
    • Cancer

    Correct Answer: Cancer

    Explanation: Cancer is a non-communicable disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body.

  15. Which of the following is an air-borne disease?
    • Typhoid
    • TB
    • Filaria
    • Cancer

    Correct Answer: TB

    Explanation: Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease that spreads through respiratory droplets from an infected person.

  16. In which season, frogs usually go for aestivation?
    • Summer
    • Autumn
    • Winter
    • Spring

    Correct Answer: Summer

    Explanation: Frogs undergo aestivation, a period of dormancy, during hot and dry summer months to avoid desiccation.

  17. Which blood vessel supplies the blood to the liver?
    • Renal artery
    • Hepatic artery
    • Coronary artery
    • Gastric artery

    Correct Answer: Hepatic artery

    Explanation: The hepatic artery supplies oxygenated blood to the liver, which is vital for various metabolic processes.

  18. The testis of frog is attached with peritoneum. This structure is called
    • mesorchium
    • nephron
    • retroperitoned
    • mesovarian

    Correct Answer: mesorchium

    Explanation: The mesorchium is the peritoneal fold that supports and attaches the testes to the abdominal wall in frogs.

  19. Which one of the following is a vestigial organ?
    • Fore limb
    • Hind Limb
    • Appendix
    • Liver

    Correct Answer: Appendix

    Explanation: The appendix is considered a vestigial organ, meaning it has lost much of its original function through evolution.

  20. Miller and Urey experiment is designed for verification of
    • Darwin's theory
    • Oparin's theory
    • Lamarck's theory
    • Redi's theory

    Correct Answer: Oparin's theory

    Explanation: The Miller-Urey experiment was designed to test Oparin's theory of abiogenesis, exploring the origin of life from simple chemical compounds.

  21. Theory of "Inheritance of Acquired Characters" was proposed by
    • Darwin
    • Lamarck
    • Hugo de-Vries
    • Huxley

    Correct Answer: Lamarck

    Explanation: Lamarck proposed the theory of "Inheritance of Acquired Characters", suggesting that traits acquired during an organism’s lifetime could be passed to offspring.

  22. Striped muscle is different from unstriped on the basis of
    • nuclei
    • myofibrils
    • shape
    • dark and light bands

    Correct Answer: dark and light bands

    Explanation: Striped muscle (skeletal muscle) differs from unstriped muscle (smooth muscle) by its striated appearance, which is due to alternating dark and light bands.

  23. Nephrons are found in
    • kidneys
    • liver
    • testes
    • ovaries

    Correct Answer: kidneys

    Explanation: Nephrons are the functional units of the kidneys responsible for filtering blood and producing urine.

  24. Which stage of embryo is blastocoel present?
    • Morula
    • Gastrula
    • Neurula
    • Blastula

    Correct Answer: Blastula

    Explanation: The blastula stage of embryonic development features a blastocoel, a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by a single layer of cells.

  25. Which of these is the hormone released from adrenal glands?
    • Glucagon
    • Mineralocorticoides
    • Insulin
    • GSH

    Correct Answer: Mineralocorticoides

    Explanation: Mineralocorticoids are hormones released from the adrenal glands that help regulate sodium and potassium balance in the body.

  26. The enzyme trypsin is released from
    • Stomach
    • Intestine
    • Liver
    • Pancreas

    Correct Answer: Pancreas

    Explanation: Trypsin is an enzyme released from the pancreas that aids in the digestion of proteins in the small intestine.

  27. Which of the following is not a covering of brain in human?
    • Duramater
    • Epithelium
    • Piamater
    • Arachnoid

    Correct Answer: Epithelium

    Explanation: The brain is covered by three protective membranes called meninges, including the dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid mater, but not epithelium.

  28. The cavity found in pelvic girdle of mammal is
    • acetabulum
    • glenoid cavity
    • obturator foramen
    • sigmoid notch

    Correct Answer: acetabulum

    Explanation: The acetabulum is the cup-shaped socket in the pelvic girdle that articulates with the head of the femur to form the hip joint.

  29. Fish that migrate within the ocean is
    • potamodromous
    • amphidromous
    • catadromous
    • oceanodromous

    Correct Answer: oceanodromous

    Explanation: Oceanodromous fish migrate within the ocean, often traveling long distances in response to environmental changes.

  30. Wall lizard can hold on the wall due to
    • vacuum creation
    • tail
    • sticky secretion
    • nail

    Correct Answer: vacuum creation

    Explanation: Wall lizards can climb walls due to the microscopic setae on their feet that create a vacuum-like effect, enhancing their grip.

  31. Which of these is an example of reflex action?
    • Vision
    • Eye-blinking
    • Movement
    • Reading

    Correct Answer: Eye-blinking

    Explanation: Eye-blinking is an example of a reflex action, which is an automatic and rapid response to a stimulus.

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